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DMC is about hand loaded ammunition produced to the highest standards; not only high velocity rounds, but also sub-sonic for use with and without a moderator. Using the best parts of old and new technologies we create consistent and accurate ammunition for many uses. Modern sophisticated computers and software allow much of the development work of a new load to be simulated;  patience, care and a steady hand create the rounds for testing, and ultimately the finished product.

There are no automated processes, all cartridge cases are prepared by hand, all propellant is weighed using the very latest digital technology, each bullet is seated by hand press and finally each cartridge is measured with a dial gauge to ensure Cartridge Overall Length is precisely maintained.

Experience in the field has shown that the best way to develop ammunition is to use it, we sell what we use ourselves, simply because we know it works. 

30 years experience in the humane slaughter of animals also means that we understand your requirements for ammunition for humane killers in a variety of calibres, we can develop special loads for revolvers retained as humane killers. Please contact us for details.

Have you looked at our Firearms Page? We have a selection of Previously Enjoyed rifles and shotguns looking for homes where they can continue to bring a smile to people's faces as well as accessories for sale at sensible prices.

Bespoke Ammunition

We provide two grades of ammunition; Bespoke and Hand Loaded. Our Bespoke ammunition is precisely tailored  for your rifle. Amongst the factors we consider are the chamber dimensions in respect of the cartridge overall length and the length of the barrel. We need your rifle for approximately 10 working days to take measurements and chronograph your ammunition in your rifle.

If your needs are less specific we can also supply a wide range of our hand loaded ammunition, priced competitively and loaded to the highest standard using exacting CIP specifications and Batch tested by The Birmingham Proof House.

All ammunition is supplied in re-usable plastic cartridge boxes, so you can return the used cases to us for reloading. Why pay for a new cartridge case every shot?

Copyright 2017 DMC Custom Cartridges

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